

You can click a Plus button and be directed to the Skylum store where you can buy more styles. Rather than try to describe what each style does, I have included screen captures of what comes with the program. Skylum supplies a sample image of a waif like young female model. The styles are No Style, Apollo, Fall, Noble, Spirited, Mono and Evolve. Which makes sense because if you did not want to make changes, why would you be using the tool in the first place?


Do note that the style called No Style actually does make changes to the image. Unlike presets in some other software, the only control you have for each of the seven styles is the intensity control which varies from off to on over a range. Please remember, I am not a preset person.


Funny enough, the default style is called No Style. What does Noble or Evolve say to you? Let’s agree that they meant nothing to me, so trying them was the only way to find out what they do. I looked at the Styles options and as is common with some of the Skylum software, the naming conventions really don’t have any particular alignment to what the style does. Single purpose design and single purpose UI keeps things very simple. In addition to the Open More option, there is a styles callout in the bottom left, an icon that looks like a brush that is really just an intensity of effect slider and an Export button. The menu options are very limited, the app is really designed to be used via the direct interface not the menus. Again, trying to think like the target user, this makes sense.


From a layout perspective the product is much more like what you find on a smartphone than a Windows or macOS interface oriented application. You can load an image into Photolemur by launching the app and dragging a photo onto it, or by using the Open More Images option. Photolemur can also act as a plugin to Lightroom and to Photoshop. Photolemur runs standalone and has a very simple drag and drop interface. I admit I threw up in my mouth at this as I have only ever found Auto Awesome to be Auto Awful. One person said that they wanted Google Auto Awesome but outside Google. When talking to the folks interested in tools like Photolemur, I learned that most of them don’t really want to edit at all, they want a simple one touch solution to “fix” their images. I don’t shoot JPEGs and would much rather scan through RAW previews and edit the ones that I want to. But there are folks who like and want that sort of thing. “Real Editing” probably sounds snarky and perhaps offensive, but I don’t consider AI tools real editing, any more than I consider slapping presets on images creative. I decided to take my personal hat off and try to approach these tools as someone brand new to photography who had not developed the urge or use case to do real editing. Then some new photographers started asking about these kinds of simple tools, and the topic came up when I was a guest speaker at a camera club. Since this kind of thing crawled out of the ooze and over the years been enhanced with so called AI, I’ve never cared about them. As I write this, it’s available for preorder with an MSRP of $55.Ĭhoice is a good thing when it comes to photographic tools and utilities, but one place that I had (have) no interest is in tools that auto everything. Please note that I am working with early code, and more features and functions may appear in the shipping product. They’ve got an AI based tool expected in September of 2018 and allowed me to work with a prerelease version for this article. I like their products and appreciate the attitude that they bring to the marketplace. I’ve had a good working affiliate relationship with the folks at Skylum since they started up as Macphun.
